

First, clone the ReaL repository from GitHub and follow the installation instructions in Installation.

RLHF with 4x LLaMA-7B in 30min

If you are not familiar with the procedure of RLHF, please refer to the InstrctGPT paper. This tutorial will cover the main stages of RLHF, including SFT, reward modeling, and PPO.


If you have not prepared a dataset for your application, you can download our sample dataset to follow this tutorial. The sample dataset is used for controlled sentiment generation, where the LLM learns to generate positive movie comments given a context.

All example scripts with detailed explanations can be found in the examples/scripts/ directory.

If you want to find more details about the configuration options, please check Configurations.

Suppose the dataset has been placed under the .data/ folder, now you are ready to run the RLHF process!

Stage 1: Supervised Fine-Tuning

Prepare your customized dataset in a JSON or JSONL format, where each entry is a dictionary with two keys: “prompt” and “answer”. For example:

{"prompt": "What is the capital of France?", "answer": "The capital of France is ..."}
{"prompt": "Please make a travel plan for visiting Berlin?", "answer": "..."}


In our provided sample, sft_pos-train.jsonl and sft_pos-valid.jsonl are the training and validation sets for SFT, respectively.

Run the command in examples/local/sft.sh to fine-tune the model on your dataset.


ReaL adopts structured configurations in Hydra to manage command line options. The options in the above command correspond to a Python dataclass object: realhf.SFTConfig. The attributes, including the model type, learning rate, and parallel strategy, can be recursively overwritten via command line options. Please check Configurations to see all the fields that can be overwritten.

As a reminder, the value null in the Hydra option represents None in Python.

The user can specify the number of nodes and the parallel strategy to use with the above command, in addition to paths and hyperparameters. In the given example, the experiment will use 1 node (assuming each node has 8 GPUs, implicitly set by the n_gpus_per_node attribute), with a parallel strategy (pipe=1, tensor=2, data=4) and a batch size of 512.

After the experiment has been successfully launched, you will see the training logs in the console like this:

20240618-03:10:56.216 quickstart INFO: Running sft experiment.
20240618-03:10:56.216 quickstart INFO: Logs will be dumped to /lustre/aigc/llm/logs/fw/quickstart-sft/release
20240618-03:10:56.216 quickstart INFO: Model checkpoints will be saved to /lustre/aigc/llm/checkpoints/fw/quickstart-sft/release

The above output shows the log and checkpoint paths of this experiment, according to the given experiment_name and trial_name. You can check the logs and overrided configurations:

$ ls /lustre/aigc/llm/logs/fw/quickstart-sft/release/
ctl-0            master_worker-0  time_marks0.pkl  time_marks2.pkl  time_marks4.pkl  time_marks6.pkl
hydra-outputs/   model_worker-0   time_marks1.pkl  time_marks3.pkl  time_marks5.pkl  time_marks7.pkl
$ # Check the training statistics like loss and running time in the master worker.
$ cat /lustre/aigc/llm/logs/fw/quickstart-sft/release/master_worker-0
$ # Check the runtime system metrics in the model worker.
$ cat /lustre/aigc/llm/logs/fw/quickstart-sft/release/model_worker-0
$ # Check the adopoted configurations.
$ cat /lustre/aigc/llm/logs/fw/quickstart-sft/release/hydra-outputs/.hydra/overrides.yaml

You can also check the checkpoints:

$ ls /lustre/aigc/llm/checkpoints/fw/quickstart-sft/release/default/epoch7epochstep5globalstep50/
config.json                       pytorch_model-00007-of-00014.bin  pytorch_model-00014-of-00014.bin
pytorch_model-00001-of-00014.bin  pytorch_model-00008-of-00014.bin  pytorch_model.bin.index.json
pytorch_model-00002-of-00014.bin  pytorch_model-00009-of-00014.bin  special_tokens_map.json
pytorch_model-00003-of-00014.bin  pytorch_model-00010-of-00014.bin  tokenizer.json
pytorch_model-00004-of-00014.bin  pytorch_model-00011-of-00014.bin  tokenizer.model
pytorch_model-00005-of-00014.bin  pytorch_model-00012-of-00014.bin  tokenizer_config.json
pytorch_model-00006-of-00014.bin  pytorch_model-00013-of-00014.bin

Here, default is the model name. Since we would save multiple models for algorithms like PPO, the model name is used to distinguish different models. SFT has a single model named default.

The directory suffix indicates the step of this checkpoint. It’s the checkpoint after 50 training steps at step 5 of epoch 7 (we have set save_freq_steps=50). You can change the save and evaluation frequency by modifying the exp_ctrl attribute in realhf.SFTConfig.


ReaL directly loads from HuggingFace models and also saves checkpoints as HuggingFace models, making it convenient to use pre-trained checkpoints and to deploy trained models with inference frameworks like vLLM.

You can directly pass the path of the above checkpoint to transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained or vLLM to load the model.

$ cat /lustre/aigc/llm/logs/fw/quickstart-sft/release/master_worker-0
0: 20240618-13:32:19.081 master worker INFO: Execution finished!
0: 20240618-13:32:19.083 master worker INFO: Epoch 8/8 step 7/7 ... Total time consumption: 628.051s. ...
0: 20240618-13:32:34.906 master worker INFO: Execution finished!
0: 20240618-13:32:34.906 master worker INFO: Training complete! Yeah!!!

The SFT experiment will take about 10 minutes to finish using our provided dataset and configuration. Let’s move on to the next stage.

Stage 2.1: Reward Modeling (RM)

Prepare your customized dataset in a JSON or JSONL format, where each entry is a dictionary with three keys: “prompt”, “pos_answers”, and “neg_answers”.

“prompt” should be a string, while “pos_answers” and “neg_answers” should be lists of strings of the same size, forming pairwise comparisons.


In our provided sample, rm_paired-train.jsonl and rm_paired-valid.jsonl are the training and validation sets for reward modeling, respectively.


“pos_answers” and “neg_answers” may contain duplicated data. For example, if a prompt has four answers and they have pairwise comparisons, the length of “pos_answers” and “neg_answers” should be six, and each answer will appear in three pairs.

Run examples/local/rw.sh to train the reward model.

It’s a common practice to use the SFT model to initialize the reward model. Therefore, we can pass the path of the saved SFT model as model.path. Using the pre-trained LLaMA checkpoint is also feasible, but it may not perform as well as the SFT checkpoint.

The output head of the loaded LLM will be replaced by a newly initialized linear layer, which outputs a scalar as the reward.

In reward modeling, the batch size is the number of prompts. With a batch size of 512, there will be at most 512 * max_pairs_per_prompt positive samples and 512 * max_pairs_per_prompt negative samples in each batch.

$ bash examples/scripts/rw.sh
0: 20240618-13:52:00.094 master worker INFO: Running rw experiment.
0: 20240618-13:52:00.094 master worker INFO: Logs will be dumped to /lustre/aigc/llm/logs/fw/quickstart-rw/release
0: 20240618-13:52:00.094 master worker INFO: Model checkpoints will be saved to /lustre/aigc/llm/checkpoints/fw/quickstart-rw/release

The log and checkpoint paths are similar to that of SFT, except that the experiment name and trial name can be changed. Note that the saved RW checkpoint is not loadable by HuggingFace or vLLM, because the projection head has been changed.

Please check examples/load_and_eval_rw.py as an example to load and use the trained reward model in a standalone script.


Training the reward model to convergence can be very fast. In the given example, we can stop the training after 15 steps, which takes approximately 5 minutes.

0: 20240618-13:53:00.094 master worker INFO: Epoch 1/1 step 15/26 (global step 15) finishes. ... Total time consumption: 294.393s.

Stage 2.2: Direct Preference Optimization (DPO)

Besides the ordinary RLHF procedure with PPO, ReaL also supports the DPO algorithm, which avoids reward modeling.

The dataset for DPO is exactly the same as for reward modeling. Run examples/local/dpo.sh to train DPO.

Note that there’s a major difference between DPO and SFT/RM. DPO involves two different models, the actor and the reference. The former is the primary LLM to be trained and the latter is the frozen SFT model to provide KL regularizations.

A training iteration of DPO is composed of two steps:

  • RefInf: The reference model performs a forward step to compute the log probabilities of positive and negative answers.

  • ActorTrain: Given the reference log probabilities, the actor model computes the DPO loss, runs the backward pass, and updates the parameters.

In ReaL, these two steps can run with different parallel strategies, maximizing the efficiency of the individual workloads. These parallel strategies can be specified in the ref_inf and actor_train fields. Under a moderate batch size, pipelined inference can be faster than tensor-paralleled inference due to the reduced communication overhead, so assigning a relatively large pipeline_parallel_size for ref_inf can be favorable.

Moreover, ReaL can automatically offload the parameters of the reference model once RefInf is done. This offloading fully supports 3D parallelism and does not require DeepSpeed ZeRO-3 or any additional configurations. Consequently, ReaL’s DPO is as memory-efficient as training a single model like SFT!

Stage 3: PPO

After the SFT and RM stages, we can proceed to the PPO stage. The dataset for PPO should be a JSON or JSONL file with each entry being a dictionary with a single key “prompt”.


In our provided sample, ppo_prompt.jsonl is the training set for PPO.

Run examples/local/ppo.sh to train PPO.


You can also pass in the trained DPO checkpoint to initialize the PPO actor.

If you want to direct initialize the critic model with a random projection head, you can set critic.init_critic_from_actor=True and reward.init_critic_from_actor=True. This is helpful for benchmarking throughputs since checkpoints of SFT and reward modeling are not required.


The provided PPO command sets ppo.gen.min_new_tokens=512. This is for benchmarking purposes and should be changed to 0 for normal training.

The configuration options of PPO are the most complex among the three stages. PPO involves four different models: Actor, Critic, Reference, and Reward. Each model can have different functionalities across a training iteration. For example, the Actor should first generate responses given prompts and then be trained given rewards, values, and KL regularizations.

Training iterations of PPO can be illustrated as follows:

Dataflow graph of RLHF.

We can see that there are six distinct function calls on these four models. In ReaL, these function calls can have independent allocations and parallel strategies. Each GPU can accommodate parameter shards of multiple models (e.g., both the Actor and the Reward). Between two function calls upon the same model, ReaL will automatically re-allocate model parameters between source and destination locations and properly remap parallel strategies.

In provided command, fields actor, critic, ref, and rew specify the configurations of the four models. The allocations and parallel strategies for function calls are automatically handled by the heuristic allocation mode. This is a near-optimal execution strategy found by the search engine in ReaL. Relative code can be found in the _heuristic_rpc_allocation method of experiments/common/ppo_exp.py.

For the details of PPO hyperparameters in the ppo field, please check realhf.PPOHyperparameters for a detailed explanation.

0: 20240618-14:46:38.007 master worker INFO: Epoch 1/1 step 39/39 (global step 39) finishes. ... Total time consumption: 574.312s. ...
0: 20240618-14:46:54.387 master worker INFO: Execution finished!
0: 20240618-14:46:54.387 master worker INFO: Training complete! Yeah!!!

We train PPO on 5000 prompts over 1 epoch, which consumes about 10 minutes. Summing up the time of the three stages, we can finish the RLHF process within half an hour! This efficiency can largely help algorithm developers to search for the best hyperparameters and iterate on the algorithm design.

We also provide additional PPO examples to use symmetric parallelization or mini-batched training when you encounter OOM issues.

Stage 4: Evaluation

After training, you can evaluate your trained model by generating responses for a given task. Although it is usally convinient to use external evaluation libraries, ReaL provides a build-in generation script. It also uses CUDAGraph, similar to vLLM, to reduce kernel launch overhead and accelerate the generation process. It’s up to the user to decide whether to use the built-in script or external libraries.

The Next Step

You have now figured out how to run built-in experiments and how to manage training hyperparameters, logs, and checkpoints within ReaL.

Next, you can follow the Setting Up Distributed Experiments section to set up your experiments in a large cluster, or proceed to the Customization section to learn how to customize the datasets, models, and algorithms. We provide examples for running PPO with reference EMA, the ReMax algorithm, and the GRPO algorithm under the examples/ directory.

If you would like to deeply understand the implementation details of ReaL, please refer to Implementation Details and Code Architecture.