Implementation Details

Algorithm Representation

An algorithm in ReaL is represented as a dataflow graph (DFG), where each node is a model function call (MFC, e.g., generate, inference, or train_step called on an LLM), and each edge specifies the data or parameter version dependency between nodes.

The dataflow graph of PPO looks like this:


The dataflow graph of PPO.

Below, we show another example of the ReMax, also known as the REINFORCE algorithm:


The dataflow graph of ReMax, or REINFORCE.


In this representation, the dataflow graph of pre-training, SFT, or reward modeling simplifies to a single train_step node.

More examples can be found in the docs/images/dfg folder. Only data dependencies are shown in the figures above. Parameter version dependencies are enforced so that the first call to a model X at step i is always preceded by the last call to X at step i-1.

These figures are generated by a standalone script, examples/ For a given algorithm, such as PPO, we decompose the entire dataflow into individual MFCs, each represented by a realhf.MFCDef object. The input and output keys of each model function call specify their data dependencies. A list of realhf.MFCDef objects is passed into the build_graph function to construct a dataflow graph, which is an instance of networkx.DiGraph.

A device mesh D is the unit used for executing an individual function call. It is defined as a two-dimensional grid of GPUs located in the cluster. The shape of D is denoted as (N, M), where it covers N nodes equipped with M devices. Note that device meshes with the same shape could have different locations.

The i-th MFC node will be executed on the device mesh \(D_i\). This mesh can either be disjoint from or overlap with the device meshes of other MFCs.


We assume that \(D_i\) either covers several entire hosts or a consecutive portion capable of dividing the number of devices on one host, e.g., (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 8), (2, 8), …, (N, 8) in a cluster of (N, 8).

For example, this PPO training script manually allocates all six MFCs to different device meshes with different parallel strategies. In particular, we have a (1, 8) global device mesh. We denote GPUs as g0, g1, …, g7.

  • Actor generation will run on all 8 GPUs, with a parallel strategy of (DP=4, TP=1, PP=2).

  • Critic inference will run on [g0, g1], with a parallel strategy of (DP=2, TP=1, PP=1).

  • Reward inference will run on [g2, g3], with a parallel strategy of (DP=1, TP=1, PP=2).

  • Reference inference will run on [g4, g5, g6, g7], with a parallel strategy of (DP=1, TP=1, PP=4).

  • Critic training will run on [g4, g5, g6, g7], with a parallel strategy of (DP=2, TP=1, PP=2).

  • Actor training will run on [g0, g1, g2, g3], with a parallel strategy of (DP=2, TP=1, PP=2).

Under this allocation, inference and training can be executed concurrently on disjoint device meshes, while generation uses the whole device mesh to maximize throughput.

From the perspective of GPUs,

  • g0 and g1 hold the first half layers of the actor for training. Besides, the critic model will be reallocated from CPU to g0 upon inference.

  • g2 holds the second half layers of the actor for training. Besides, the first half layers of the actor will be reallocated upon generation, and the first half layers of the reward model will be reallocated upon inference.

  • g3 holds the second half layers of the actor for training. Besides, the first half layers of the actor will be reallocated upon generation, and the second half layers of the reward model will be reallocated upon inference.

  • g4 holds the first half layers of the critic for training. Besides, the first quarter layers of the reference model will be reallocated upon inference, and the second half layers of the actor will be reallocated upon generation.

  • g5 holds the first half layers of the critic for training. Besides, the second quarter layers of the reference model will be reallocated upon inference, and the second half layers of the actor will be reallocated upon generation.

  • g6 holds the second half layers of the critic for training. Besides, the third quarter layers of the reference model will be reallocated upon inference, and the second half layers of the actor will be reallocated upon generation.

  • g7 holds the second half layers of the critic for training. Besides, the last quarter layers of the reference model will be reallocated upon inference, and the second half layers of the actor will be reallocated upon generation.

The graph building is performed in realhf/api/core/ during the post-initialization of experiment configurations. The concrete definitions of MFCs in different experiments can be found in files under realhf/experiments/common/. All experiment configurations define an rpcs property, which is first processed by the initial_setup method in realhf/experiments/common/ and then passed to the ExperimentConfig object to build the graph.

Parallelism Strategy

Suppose we have a cluster with the dimensions (N, M), where N is the number of nodes and M is the number of GPUs per node. ReaL will launch N * M model worker processes, each exclusively occupying a GPU. These processes will share a global PyTorch process group, and each MFC will create sub-groups on their respective device meshes. Furthermore, the data, tensor, and pipeline parallel groups are created within each sub-group, similar to Megatron-LM. These groups will be kept in as per-process global constants.

When different MFCs are executed on the same GPU (i.e., their device meshes are overlapped), ReaL switches the process group by using a model_scope context defined in The model name is provided by the MFC. Within the scope, the 3D parallelism groups specifically refer to the groups of this MFC. Otherwise, the DP/TP/PP parallelism group could not be accessed.

There are three levels of process groups in ReaL. The innermost level is the data/tensor/pipeline parallel group for a specific MFC. The intermediate level is each MFC’s sub-group. The outermost level is the global PyTorch global group created by dist.init_process_group.

The conversion from the innermost level to the intermediate level is handled by the ProcessTopology class in, and the conversion from the intermediate level to the outermost level is managed by the rank_mapping dictionary in

For example, suppose we have a 2x8 device mesh two MFCs. MFC#1 occupies the last 1x8 GPUs, aka the second node, and MFC#2 occupies all 2x8 GPUs. MFC#1 has a parallel strategy of (DP=2,TP=2,PP=2), and MFC#2 has a parallel strategy of (DP=4,TP=4,PP=1). Denote the GPUs on the first node as [g0, …, g7] and the GPUs on the second node as [g8, …, g15]. The following process groups will be created:

  • The global group: [g0, g1, g2, …, g15], aka all GPUs.

  • MFC#1’s sub-group: [g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15], aka the second node.

  • MFC#2’s sub-group: [g0, g1, g2, …, g15], aka all GPUs. This is a virtual group and ReaL will just use the global group when we use it.

  • MFC#1’s 4 pipeline parallel groups: [g8, g12], [g9, g13], [g10, g14], [g11, g15].

  • MFC#1’s 4 tensor parallel groups: [g8, g9], [g10, g11], [g12, g13], [g14, g15].

  • MFC#1’s 4 data parallel groups: [g8, g10], [g9, g11], [g12, g14], [g13, g15].

  • MFC#2’s pipeline parallel group: [g0, g1, …, g15]. This is also a virual group.

  • MFC#2’s 4 tensor parallel groups: [g0, g1, g2, g3], [g4, g5, g6, g7], [g8, g9, g10, g11], [g12, g13, g14, g15].

  • MFC#2’s 4 data parallel groups: [g0, g4, g8, g12], [g1, g5, g9, g13], [g2, g6, g10, g14], [g3, g7, g11, g15].

The rank mapping from MFC1 to the global group is

{0: 8, 1: 9, 2: 10, 3: 11, 4: 12, 5: 13, 6: 14, 7: 15}

and the rank mapping of MFC2 is an identical mapping.

Runtime Infrastructure

ReaL implements a worker-based runtime, consisting of a single MasterWorker (MasW) on the CPU and multiple ModelWorkers (ModW), each occupying a separate GPU. For example, in a cluster of (N, 8), there will be one MasW and N * 8 ModWs.


Recall that MFCs can have independent (either disjoint or overlapping) device meshes. From the perspective of a ModW or a GPU, it can host one or more MFCs. The MasW will execute the DFG and send requests to the corresponding handlers. Each request contains the handler name (e.g., Actor or Critic), the interface type (e.g., generate or train_step), and some metadata (e.g., the input and output keys). Upon receiving the request, the ModW will get the corresponding model, run the computation, and return the results to the MasW to update the dependency.

Inherited from the base Worker class, both MasW and ModW run the _poll method inside a while-loop. The _poll method is their main task. Outside of the _poll method, they listen to the controller and update their internal worker states, allowing them to be paused, resumed, or stopped by the controller.

The Procedure of Launching an Experiment

This section introduces how ReaL launches experiments using local subprocesses, Ray, or SLURM. Conceptually, the launcher provides similar functionality to torchrun, but we didn’t use torchrun because ReaL’s code is inherited from the previous SRL project. The scheduler in SRL can run heterogeneous CPU and GPU tasks, which is difficult to achieve with torchrun.


The execution workflow when launching an experiment with ReaL.

ReaL has two levels of configuration. The outer level is based on the Hydra structured configuration, as illustrated in the Quickstart section. This level abstracts an experiment into several configurable fields, allowing the user to conveniently change hyperparameters such as the parallelism strategy, learning rate, and batch size.

Next, ReaL translates the Hydra configuration into a worker-based configuration. This includes the dataset, model, interface, and backend configurations for each ModW. For concrete examples, please refer to realhf/api/core/ The core translation code is written in the _get_model_worker_configs method in realhf/experiments/common/ This configuration level retains maximum flexibility. For instance, if we need to run CPU-heavy tasks like a reward function, we can implement a customized worker to execute the task on CPUs.

The worker configuration is registered as an “experiment” with a unique name in realhf/api/quickstart/ It is then launched by realhf.apps.main. The launcher finds the experiment by its name, loads the worker configurations, and submits them to the scheduler (either SLURM or local subprocesses). The scheduler runs a worker controller to manage the lifetime of other workers. Workers continuously check for new messages from the controller and change their internal state (e.g., running, pausing, or stopping) accordingly. Once the controller determines that all ModWs and the MasW are ready, it sends a signal to all workers to start the experiment. If the scheduler detects that a worker is no longer alive, such as after the experiment is completed or if an unexpected error occurs, it will shut down the controller and all workers, and exit realhf.apps.main.

Model, Model Interface, and Model Backend

A realhf.Model is a collection that includes a transformer-based neural network, a HuggingFace tokenizer, and some metadata, all associated with a unique name. The module attribute is usually a ReaLModel before backend initialization, and it becomes a realhf.PipelinableEngine after backend initialization. The module can be a shard of parameters or even an empty placeholder when offloading or parameter reallocation is enabled.

A realhf.ModelInterface is a collection of concrete implementations for generation, inference, and training. When the MasW requests a specific MFC, the ModW will find the correct realhf.Model and pass it into the configured algorithm interface for execution. The results returned by the interface are then sent back to the MasW. This is implemented in the __handle_model_function_calls method in realhf/system/


Even though the computational workloads can be categorized into these main types, different algorithms often have unique side-effects. For example, PPO requires computing the GAE during training, while DPO does not. Therefore, we implement interfaces for each algorithm to facilitate easier customization.


It doesn’t need to implement all interface types; for example, an interface for SFT only needs to implement the train_step method.

A realhf.ModelBackend is a functor that wraps the realhf.Model to provide additional functionalities like pipelined inference and ZeRO optimizer. It changes the module attribute of the realhf.Model to a realhf.PipelinableEngine object. All interface implementations use the APIs of realhf.PipelinableEngine to run the main computation. See realhf/impl/model/interface for concrete examples.

Once launched, the ModW will set up all configured models, interfaces, and backends (see the __lazy_setup method in realhf/system/ They are indexed by the unique names of the realhf.Model. In the ModW, a realhf.MFCDef, a realhf.Model, a realhf.ModelInterface, and a realhf.ModelBackend are bound togather to handle a specific MFC, either generate, inference, or train_step.


Algorithm customization typically involves implementing a new interface. For example, a customized reward interface is shown in examples/customized_exp/

MasW-ModW Communication

The request-reply communication between the MasW and ModWs is managed through ZMQ sockets. We abstract the communication pattern in realhf/system/ The communication channel is set up in the __lazy_setup method in both types of workers. The communication is lightweight, as we only transfer metadata between them, such as the keys and IDs of the input and output tensors.

We adopt a TCP-like protocol to ensure that all involved ModWs receive the request simultaneously. Requests are pushed into a queue in the ModW and handled sequentially. In addition to MFCs, requests can also include initialization, data fetching, saving, evaluation, etc. For more details, see the model_poll_step and _poll methods in realhf/system/

Data Transfer

The dataset resides on the ModWs responsible for handling the source MFC in the DFG. For example, in PPO, the dataset is stored in the ModWs that handle actor generation. The dataset is sharded across different data parallel ranks. See the __lazy_setup function in ModW for details.

At the start of each epoch, the MasW will continuously send data fetching requests to the ModWs until the dataset has been fully iterated. The ModWs will step through the dataloader and return metadata (e.g., sequence length, keys in the dataset, IDs, etc.) to the MasW. The MasW will fill an internal buffer with this metadata.

MasW’s buffer tracks how many times each piece of data has been used in the DFG, and which keys have been produced by MFCs. Once the dependency of an MFC is satisfied—i.e., the required input keys are all available in the buffer— the MasW will send a request to the corresponding ModWs to run the MFC. If the MFC produces new keys, the resulting GPU tensors will be stored locally, and the ModWs will send metadata back to the MasW to update the buffer. After a piece of data has been used by all nodes in the DFG, it will be removed.

If the buffer size is insufficient for subsequent operations, the MasW will send data fetching requests to the ModWs for the next epoch. These behaviors are implemented in the load_data_func in MasW, the prefetch_from_dataset and model_poll_step methods in ModW, and realhf/system/

Data is replicated across tensor and pipeline parallel dimensions and sharded across the data parallel dimension. Since different MFCs may have different device meshes and parallel strategies, we need to transfer data from the owner (or producer) to the consumer before MFC computation. This is implemented as hooks in requests. Since the MasW maintains global information, it can append the source and destination of the required data in the pre-hooks and send them to the relevant ModWs. The ModW will then use this information to trigger GPU-GPU data transfer, which is based on NCCL broadcast. This is implemented in the __handle_one_rpc_hook method in ModW.

Parameter Reallocation

ReaL automatically reallocates model parameters to peer GPUs or CPU memory to reduce GPU memory usage and the communication volume caused by parallelization. However, there is an implementation-specific detail to note: if a model is being trained, its parameter memory cannot be released after reallocation. This is because the PyTorch optimizer (e.g., Adam) keeps model parameters as dictionary keys, and GPU tensor handles remain active.

Due to this limitation, we must categorize models as either trainable or non-trainable. If any MFC involves training the model, the model is categorized as trainable. For example, in PPO, the actor and critic are trainable, while the reward and reference models are not.

For non-trainable models, we can safely reallocate their parameters to CPU memory (i.e., offloading). The parameters will be asynchronously transferred back (i.e., overlapping computation and communication) to GPU memory during the next forward pass. When multiple inference requests are made for the same role, each request will have its own copy of the parameters and will be offloaded independently. Offloading is implemented in the async_offload method in ReaLModel, which is called in the __handle_one_rpc_hook method in ModW.

For trainable models, if there is also an inference or generate MFC called upon this role (e.g., Actor and Critic in PPO), we can adopt different parallel strategies for different MFCs and dynamically reallocate parameters to reduce communication overhead. The training MFC holds its own parameters in GPU memory, while non-training MFCs only hold empty placeholders. When a non-training MFC is requested, the MasW will append a pre-hook to the request containing all the information for reallocating the parameters, and a post-hook to revert this operation. The reallocation is implemented in the __handle_one_rpc_hook method in ModW. Note that since the trainable parameters cannot be released, the reverse reallocation essentially drops the parameters used for inference or generation.


The above limitation of PyTorch is not an intrinsic problem. We could re-implement the optimizer and use parameter names as keys. However, this would require modifying Megatron and DeepSpeed correspondingly, which is not a trivial task.