
Limitations of Existing Systems

We observe two major limitations based on our profiling of the previous RLHF systems, as shown in the Timeline Figure.


Timeline Figure

Execution timelines of ReaL and existing systems based on profiling.

First, when models are distributed to every GPU node that applies the same parallelization strategy, such as in DeepSpeed-Chat, it is often over-parallelized. Over-parallelization leads to substantial synchronization and communication overhead (the light purple bars).

An alternative way is to assign different models to different GPU nodes, where models can execute concurrently, such as OpenRLHF. However, our second observation is that such asymmetric parallelization often causes under-utilization of the GPUs (e.g., the gray areas) because of the dependencies between tasks.

The key idea of ReaL is to enable dynamic reallocation of model parameters between GPUs to improve the efficiency of the entire RLHF training process.

By first choosing a parallelization strategy tailored for each computation workload (e.g., pipelining for Generation and tensor parallelism for Training) and then executing these calls concurrently with a smaller parallelization degree (e.g., Actor and Critic in Training), we can eliminate redundant communication while maximizing GPU utilization, effectively addressing the limitations of prior solutions.

Performance Comparison

We show throughput comparison with the state-of-the-art open-source systems in the following figure.

(In the following figure, as the number of GPUs increases, the model size scales up from LLaMA 7B, LLaMA 13B, and CodeLLaMA 34B, to the largest LLaMA 70B.)






Time (hours)




We also show the estimated time for completing the entire full-scale 4*70B RLHF training process, composed of 4 iterations with 400 steps for each iteration as for LLaMA-2.