
If you wish to contribute to this repository or have any questions about the code, please do not hesitate to raise issues or contact us directly. We will do our best to assist you. Currently, there is no template for issues or pull requests.

We hope the open-source community can help improve this repository and enable RLHF technology to truly empower the applications of LLM.


The source code is documented using Sphinx in the docs folder. On a node with docker-compose installed, run

make docs

Then the documentation will be available at http://localhost:7780.

Every time the documentation files are changed, you should run the above command to update the documentation.

The GitHub Pages will be updated automatically after the PR is merged.


# For .py files
docformatter -i ${FILE} && isort ${FILE} && black -q ${FILE}
# For C/C++ files
clang-format -i ${FILE}
# For documentation
rstfmt docs


# Run CPU tests
pytest -m "not gpu"
# Run CPU tests and GPU tests that require a single GPU
pytest -m "not distributed"
# On a node with multiple GPUs, run all tests

Building Docker Images

# Build the GPU image
docker build -t real-gpu:24.03-0.3.0 -f Dockerfile --target gpu --build-arg --build-arg REAL_CPU_BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:22.04 .
# Build the CPU image
docker build -t real-cpu:22.04-0.3.0 -f Dockerfile --target cpu --build-arg --build-arg REAL_CPU_BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:22.04 .