
Docker Images

The easiest way to run ReaL is by using the provided Docker images. We offer a CPU-only image for launching experiments and a runtime GPU image for deployment in a cluster. The Dockerfile is also available in the repository.

To pull the images, run:

$ docker pull
$ docker pull

The CPU image is built from “ubuntu:22.04” and the GPU image is built from “”. You can check the latest docker image version here.

After pulling the Docker images, run your Docker container locally on a GPU node with the following command:

$ docker run -it --rm --gpus all --mount type=bind,src=/path/outside/container,dst=/realhf garrett4wade/real-gpu:24.03-py3-0.3.0 bash

There is an editable installation at /realhf inside the container, so your change to the code outside the container should automatically takes effect.

Install From PyPI or Source

If you prefer not to use the provided Docker image, you can also start with an image provided by NVIDA (e.g., and install ReaL from PyPI or from the source.


We don’t upload a pre-built wheel to PyPI, so the installation will require compiling the C++ and CUDA extensions. Control whether to install the extentions with environment variables REAL_CUDA and REAL_NO_EXT.

The CUDA extention will be installed only if REAL_CUDA is set to 1. No extention will be installed if REAL_NO_EXT is set to 1.

If you don’t want to compile the extensions, please use the provided Docker images.

First, clone the repository and install all dependencies:

$ pip install -U pip
$ git clone
$ cd ReaLHF
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

On a GPU machine, also install the required runtime packages:

$ export MAX_JOBS=8  # Set the number of parallel jobs for compilation.
$ pip install git+ --no-deps --no-build-isolation
$ pip install flash_attn==2.4.2 --no-build-isolation
$ pip3 install git+ --no-build-isolation --no-deps  # For MoE


MAX_JOBS sets the number of parallel jobs for compilation. A larger value will consume more memory (and potentially lead to OOM stuck) and CPU resources. Adjust the value according to your machine’s specifications.

Install ReaLHF from source (recommended, for the latest build):

$ git clone
$ cd ReaLHF
$ REAL_CUDA=1 pip install -e . --no-build-isolation

Or install from PyPI (for stable build):

$ REAL_CUDA=1 pip install realhf --no-build-isolation

The PyPI package allows you to launch existing experiments with the quickstart command. If you want to modify the code, you must clone the source code and install it from the source.

Next, check Quickstart for instructions on running experiments.