Code Architecture


Definitions of the dataflow graph, data and model APIs, configuration objects, and the implementation of transforming HuggingFace models to ReaL.

Entry points for launching experiments. The primary function to launch experiments is main_start in This function sets up the scheduler, which runs remote processes via python3 -m realhf.apps.remote. Specifically, the training command runs apps.main (likely on a CPU node), which then starts and waits for all worker processes launched by to finish.

Basic utilities imported and used by system or algorithm modules.

Experiment configurations and registries. These objects are configured through Hydra command-line arguments, as exemplified in the Quickstart.

Implementation of datasets, models, model interfaces, and model backends. Please refer to Implementation Details for definitions of these terms.

The scheduler used to launch and monitor experiments. It provides functionality similar to torchrun, but with greater flexibility. The scheduler is independent of other ReaL concepts or implementation details, such as parameter reallocation. It’s purely an infrastructure utility.

The search engine used to find the best configuration for an experiment. It is currently non-functional. 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

Definitions of workers, including the base worker, the model worker, and the master worker.

Unit tests for the codebase. Tests not marked with pytest.mark.gpu or pytest.mark.distributed will run upon each PR to the main branch.

Example scripts and customized experiments. Please see the detailed descriptions below.

C++ and CUDA extensions, including CUDA kernels for computing GAE, CUDA kernels used for reading and writing parameters during parameter reallocation, and the C++ search engine. The custom_all_reduce kernel is adopted from vLLM but is not used by ReaL. It is kept here as legacy.


Standalone Scripts

This script is used to visualize the dataflow graph given a list of realhf.MFCDef objects. It is useful for understanding the algorithm’s representation or when developing a new dataflow graph.

The critic model created by ReaL cannot be directly loaded by HuggingFace or vLLM. This script provides an example of how to load the trained reward model and evaluate it on some validation data.


The checkpoints of actor models can be directly loaded by HuggingFace or vLLM.

Scripts for Running Existing Experiments

The corresponding subfolder contains examples using different scheduler backends, including local subprocesses, SLURM, or Ray. They differ in the mode argument in the command line. Please refer to Quickstart and Setting Up Distributed Experiments for more details.

The meanings of the command-line arguments for SFT, reward modeling, DPO, and PPO can be found in Quickstart and Configurations. Below, we provide additional explanations for some specific scripts.

This script loads trained checkpoints and runs local generation using ReaL. While users may be more familiar with HuggingFace’s or vLLM’s generation pipelines, ReaL also offers an original generation pipeline that achieves throughput on par with vLLM. The advantage of using ReaL’s generation pipeline is its scalability to larger models, multiple GPUs, and nodes. However, the generation options are more limited compared to vLLM (e.g., ReaL does not support beam search). This script runs the generate method in realhf/impl/model/interface/ Users should modify this file to properly detokenize and save the generated results.

The former script uses manual allocations for all MFCs, while the latter uses a heuristic allocation mode provided by ReaL. If users wish to make manual allocations for distributed experiments, they can refer to local/ to properly set device mesh strings.

Customized algorithms typically involve implementing a new interface file and a new experiment configuration file so that the experiment can be launched using the Hydra command-line API.

Beyond correct implementation, it is crucial to register the interface and experiment configuration at the end of the script. This allows users to launch the customized experiment through ReaL’s quickstart entry point, just like the built-in algorithms. For an example, see the end of

The bash scripts provided in each algorithm folder are used to launch the experiments.

GRPO differs from PPO in that it generates a group of answers for each prompt, omits the critic model, and normalizes the advantage within each group. We repeat the prompts in the generation method of the interface and package each group of answers as a single piece of data (see realhf.SequenceSample for details). We also modify the realhf.MFCDef and the dataflow graph in the rpcs method of the experiment configuration.

ReMax is a REINFORCE algorithm that uses the rewards of greedy generations as the baseline. It omits the reference and the critic model. The main changes compared to PPO are: (1) the loss function is modified from PPO to REINFORCE, (2) mini-batch updates are removed because REINFORCE is purely on-policy, and (3) the dataflow graph is altered to call generation and reward inference twice for sampled and greedy generations, respectively.


The modified dataflow graphs can be visualized using

Customized Experiments

Implements a new reward interface that uses a pre-trained HuggingFace model to score the sentiment of generated content, instead of a BT reward model. It also modifies PPO’s configuration object to use the “null” model and model backend for reward inference in the MFC.

PPO with gradual updates to the reference model using an exponential moving average,

as proposed in this paper. It adds a unidirectional parameter reallocation hook from the MFC “actor_train” to “ref_inf”. This hook is triggered after the “actor_train” MFC is completed.


Core APIs

The core APIs directly configure workers and operate at a lower level than the Quickstart APIs.

Basic concepts include realhf.ModelName, realhf.ModelShardID, and realhf.ModelFamily, which serve as worker-level configurations. The configuration objects typically have a type_ field and an args field. The worker will locate the registered class using the name in type_ and initialize it with the args field. For example, see the registration of datasets under realhf/impl/dataset/ and the corresponding instantiation (e.g., data_api.make_dataset) in realhf/system/

Defines the basic data structure realhf.SequenceSample, along with utility functions for data processing and system-level configuration APIs, such as register_dataset and make_dataset. register_dataset is called when importing dataset implementations, and make_dataset is invoked by workers using the configuration objects defined in

Defines the dataflow graph.

Provides the system-level APIs for realhf.Model, realhf.ModelInterface, and realhf.ModelBackend, along with transformer configurations. It also defines the APIs to convert a HuggingFace model into a ReaLModel.

Defines the scheduling and worker-level configuration APIs.

HuggingFace Model Conversion

Model conversion utilities for various models are defined under realhf/api/from_hf/. To add a new model, you must define functions to convert the model’s config and state_dict back and forth. Please refer to Customization for detailed guides.

Quickstart APIs

Quickstart APIs simplify worker-level configuration by exposing several commonly used options to Hydra, such as learning rate, batch size, etc. These configurable objects are documented in Configurations.

Configuration for three types of datasets.

Defines the device mesh and MFC allocations.

Configurations for the model, optimizer, and parallelism strategy.

The registry and entrypoint for quickstart experiments. Quickstart will locate the experiment runner from the Hydra configuration store.

APIs for the search allocation mode. Currently not functional. 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

Base Modules

Parallelism Strategy


    Contains the per-process global constants for the parallelism strategy, environment variables, and default file paths for logging and checkpoints.


    Defines the 3D topology of the device mesh, modified from DeepSpeed. The most useful object in this file is ProcessTopology, which can conveniently obtain the scalar sub-group rank given 3D parallelism ranks, or vice versa. PipeModelDataParallelTopology is retained for compatibility with DeepSpeed.

Data Packing

ReaL does not pad sequences by default. All sequences with variable lengths are concatenated together into a single 1D tensor and input to the model, following the API of flash attention. While it’s easy to split padded sequences into mini-batches (i.e., slicing the batch dimension), splitting concatenated sequences is not as straightforward. Partitioning by the number of sequences can result in unbalanced mini-batches.


While packed sequences may reduce GPU memory usage, they can increase memory fragmentation. We are unsure about the trade-off between the two.

To address this issue, ReaL implements a balanced partitioning algorithm in The algorithm ensures that the maximum length difference among different mini-batches is minimized. It is invoked in the split method of realhf.SequenceSample.

There is also a reorder_to_balanced_batches function that reorders the loaded data from the dataset such that (1) longer sequences appear in earlier batches to detect out-of-memory (OOM) issues, and (2) each batch has a nearly equal number of tokens. Since the optimal reordering is NP-hard, the function uses a greedy algorithm to approximate the optimal solution.


For PPO, dataset reordering does not help detect OOM issues because the output length is determined by the Actor model.

Names and Name Resolving

The launched workers require a synchronization mechanism to communicate with each other. This is achieved by writing and reading values in a distributed object store. All workers will wait until the required keys are written before proceeding. This can be implemented using Redis or simply a shared directory on the filesystem. defines the keys to be written, and defines the APIs to read and write values. When such an object store is not available, undefined behavior may occur.

Name resolving is used when setting up communication channels between the master worker and model workers (e.g., when initializing the request-reply stream based on ZMQ sockets) and when initializing PyTorch process groups.


    Defines the keys to be written in the object store. These keys are specific to experiments and trials. Undefined behavior may occur if different trials use the same name and are launched simultaneously.


    Provides utilities for isolating GPUs using name resolving. Each process will reveal its own identity on the cluster and will be assigned a unique GPU. The CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable will be set accordingly, ensuring that only a single GPU is visible to this process.


    Defines the APIs for reading and writing values in the object store. The object store can be Redis or a shared directory on the filesystem.

Dataset and Model Implementations


In ReaL, datasets are created directly from JSON or JSONL files. There is no prompt template in the code, so users must inject them manually.

Additionally, ReaL requires that each piece of data has a unique entry called “id,” which is used to index data in the buffer of the master worker. This “id” can be any hashable object, such as a UUID, integer index, or string.

For more details, please refer to the Customization guide.


    Used for SFT, where each piece of data should have a key “prompt” and the corresponding “answer.”


    Used for PPO, where each piece of data should have a key “prompt.”


    Used for reward modeling, where each piece of data should have a key “prompt,” a list of “pos_answers,” and a list of “neg_answers.” Positive and negative answers should be paired. Each prompt can have a different number of comparison pairs.


To optimize the performance of transformer models and support 3D parallelism, we have implemented a class called ReaLModel in It is more efficient than the implementations provided by HuggingFace Transformers and additionally supports parameter reallocation.

  • nn

    Contains the code for implementing ReaLModel. This module also flattens the parameters to support the parameter reallocation functionality.

  • modules

    Includes the neural network components of ReaLModel.

  • parallelism

    Provides model/tensor and pipeline parallelism support for ReaLModel. The tensor parallelism modules are copied and modified from Megatron-LM.

  • conversion

    Contains utilities for converting HuggingFace models. Once registered, ReaLModel will have several new methods defined in realhf/impl/model/ For example, if a model family called “llama” is registered, ReaLModel will support methods like “from_llama”, “to_llama”, “config_from_llama”, and “config_to_llama”, which convert checkpoints and configurations back and forth. If ReaLModel has loaded an HF checkpoint using “from_llama”, it will be able to save to the loaded model family using “save_to_hf”. ReaL enables distributed saving and loading with 3D parallelism, and the saved checkpoint is fully compatible with commonly used libraries such as Transformers and vLLM.

Model Backends

All backends share the same signature, realhf.ModelBackend, and produce an engine with the signature realhf.PipelinableEngine. This engine will be used by all interface implementations.


    Implements functions to run pipelined generation, inference, and training instructions. It is not a backend itself but is used by the model backends to execute the model.


    The inference backend, which supports only inference and generation.


    The training backend based on DeepSpeed. Internally, it also uses the inference engine for inference and generation. For training, it employs the DeepSpeed ZeRO optimizer. This is the only dependency on DeepSpeed.


    The ZeRO optimizer in DeepSpeed holds a copy of the model parameters. Due to the complexity of the DeepSpeed code, integrating it with ReaL’s parameter flattening mechanism is challenging. As a result, parameter reallocation with the DeepSpeed backend may not correctly reallocate the updated parameters for other MFCs. Users might observe that the model does not learn as expected.

    ReaL will raise errors if parameter reallocation is attempted with the DeepSpeed backend.


    The training backend based on Megatron. Internally, it also uses the inference engine for inference and generation. For training, it uses the DDP module and the distributed optimizer from Megatron. This is the only dependency on Megatron. Only the Megatron backend supports parameter reallocation.

Model Interfaces

An interface is a set of methods that will be called on a model. It is algorithmically specific. An algorithm, represented as a dataflow graph composed of MFCs, will subsequently find the configured interface implementation in realhf.MFCDef and call the methods defined by the interface type (e.g., generate or inference).

Please refer to realhf.MFCDef and Implementation Details for more details.


The initialization of process groups and the communication algorithm for data transfer and parameter reallocation are implemented in the comm folder. All communications between GPUs are based on NCCL.


    Initializes the global process group and sub-groups for different MFCs.


    Implements the data transfer algorithm based on NCCL broadcast.


    Implements the parameter reallocation algorithm based on NCCL broadcast.