
Customizing Datasets


We provide three types of dataset implementations in realhf/impl/dataset/ with the following configurations:

Datasets in ReaL are commonly used PyTorch map-style datasets. Users need to implement a __getitem__ method in the dataset class, which returns a realhf.SequenceSample object containing the data of a single sample and its sequence length. The sequence length is necessary because ReaL uses variable-length inputs without padding to save GPU memory.

The Data Structure: realhf.SequenceSample

ReaL follows the API of flash_attn_varlen_func to handle variable-length inputs without padding. The class realhf.SequenceSample is used to store the lengths and data of sequences, facilitating gather, split, and data transfer operations on these variable-length datasets.

The core fields of realhf.SequenceSample are:

  • ids: A list of unique hashable identifiers for each data piece. The length of ids corresponds to the batch size.

  • keys: A set of strings representing the keys loaded from the dataset or produced by model function calls. Each key can contain multiple sequences, such as multiple responses generated from the same prompt. Sequences with the same key are packed together, with a vector representing their lengths.

  • seqlens: A dictionary of lists, where each list corresponds to the sequence lengths of the data specified by the key. The length of the lists should be equal to the batch size. The elements in the list should be 1D torch.IntTensor. The tensor size equals the number of sequences packed for each key. For example, if there are K responses for each prompt, each tensor in the “response” list should have size (K,), and each tensor in the “prompt” list should have size (1,).

  • data: A dictionary of PyTorch tensors. All data are packed into 1D tensors with size (total_seqlen, ). The outer packing dimension represents the batch size, while the inner packing dimension represents the number of sequences for each key.

Below is an example implementation of the dataset used for reward modeling:

def __getitem__(self, idx):
     return data_api.SequenceSample(
         keys=["packed_input_ids", "prompt_lens"],
               packed_input_ids=torch.tensor(packed_input_ids, dtype=torch.long),
               prompt_lens=torch.tensor([prompt_len], dtype=torch.int32),
             packed_input_ids=[torch.tensor(input_lens, dtype=torch.int32)],
             prompt_lens=[torch.tensor([1], dtype=torch.int32)],

In this example, the returned sample has a batch size of 1, with two keys: “packed_input_ids” and “prompt_lens”. The “packed_input_ids” key contains packed positive and negative responses, with their lengths specified by the vector “input_lens”. The “prompt_lens” key contains a scalar tensor representing the length of the prompt, with a length of 1.

Note that the ids and seqlens fields are wrapped in length-1 lists, indicating that the batch size is 1.

For more details, please refer to realhf.SequenceSample and the implementation of datasets under the realhf/impl/dataset folder.

How Dataset Configuration is Parsed

We will use the SFT experiment as an example.

The realhf.PromptAnswerDatasetConfig object will be converted to a dataset configuration under the system API, specifically realhf.api.core.config.DatasetAbstraction. This object includes a dataset name (in this case, “prompt_answer”) and corresponding arguments that are passed to the dataset class’s constructor:

 def datasets(self):
     return [

At the end of realhf.impl.dataset.prompt_answer_dataset, we find the following line:

data_api.register_dataset("prompt_answer", PromptAnswerDataset)

This line registers the dataset class with the system API. When the name “prompt_answer” name is provided to the system API, ReaL can locate this dataset implementation and construct it. The args field in DatasetAbstraction will be passed to the __init__ method of the dataset class, except that ReaL reserves a util field to store some utility objects.

Steps for Implementing a New Dataset

  1. Create a new dataset file under realhf/impl/dataset/.

  2. Implement a map-style PyTorch dataset class with a __getitem__ method. This method should return a realhf.SequenceSample object containing the sequence length as metadata.

  3. Register the class with data_api.register_dataset at the end of the file, e.g., using the name “my-dataset”.

  4. Check your dataset implementation by running the unit test in tests/data/ Please implement a new test function for your customized dataset class by imitating existing ones.

  5. Update the name of the dataset in experiment configurations, for example, in the datasets method of realhf.SFTConfig, to “my-dataset”.

  6. If you need to pass additional arguments to construct the dataset class, modify the quickstart configuration class (in this case, realhf.PromptAnswerDatasetConfig) as well as the args field in the DatasetAbstraction object.

Customizing Models


For efficiency reasons, ReaL does not support every transformer model from the HuggingFace model hub. In ReaL, we implement the realhf.impl.model.nn.real_llm_api.ReaLModel class that wraps the HuggingFace model and provides micro-batched pipelining, offload, and parameter reallocation functionalities. It’s a decoder-only dense or Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) transformer model.

There are helper functions in the model API used to convert HuggingFace models back and forth, such as from_llama and to_llama. These helper functions are generated automatically by registering conversion functions in the api/from_hf/ folder.

For example, consider api/from_hf/ To register a convertible HuggingFace model, the user should implement:

  • Two functions to convert model configs between HuggingFace and realhf.ReaLModelConfig.

  • Two functions to convert model state dicts between HuggingFace and ReaL, primarily involving key remapping. Importantly, these functions should be able to remap any subset of model parameters due to the use of 3D parallelism in ReaL.

  • Three functions specifying the names of parameters in the embedding layer, transformer blocks, and the output layer, respectively. These functions are used to selectively load checkpoints with 3D parallelism.


The actual save/load funcion is implemented in realhf/impl/model/conversion/

Steps to Support a New HuggingFace Model

  • Create a new model file under api/from_hf/.

  • Implement the required helper functions as described above.

  • Register the model with register_hf_family at the end of the file.

  • Test the consistency of the implemented model with scripts in tests/model/

Customizing Algorithms


In ReaL, algorithms are represented as dataflow graphs. Each node in the graph corresponds to a model function call (MFC), which can be one of the generate, inference, or train requests applied to a specific model (e.g., Actor or Critic). The edges in the graph indicate data or parameter version dependencies between nodes.

The following figure illustrates the dataflow graph of PPO:

Dataflow graph of RLHF.

A node is represented by a realhf.MFCDef object. Each node has a model_name field and an interface_type field, which specify what the node should conceptually do during execution. The interface_impl field specifies the actual implementation of the model interface.

The interface class has the following signature:

class realhf.ModelInterface

An interface for model training, evaluation, inference, and generation.

This interface is designed to follow the dependency injection pattern. We pass the model to the interface and call its methods, ensuring that model APIs and algorithms are fully decoupled. For example, REINFORCE and PPO can exhibit different behaviors during training. Separate interfaces can be written for these algorithms while using the same model that provides basic forward-backward-update functionality (i.e., PipelinableEngine).

During runtime, the master worker requests model workers to execute a specific interface type (e.g., generate) on a specific model. The model worker locates the corresponding model, passes it into the requested interface, performs the computation, and returns the result.

Users can easily create new interfaces to support customized usage. See Customization for more details.

evaluate(model: Model, eval_dataloader: DataLoader) Dict
generate(model: Model, data: SequenceSample, n_mbs: int | None = None) SequenceSample
inference(model: Model, data: SequenceSample, n_mbs: int | None = None) SequenceSample
mock(type_: str, model: Model, data: SequenceSample) SequenceSample
save(model: Model, save_dir: str)
train_step(model: Model, data: SequenceSample, n_mbs: int | None = None) Dict

During the execution of an MFC node, the model identified by model_name is passed into this interface object, along with the data specified in the MFC node.


Similar to datasets, model interfaces are registered and constructed by the system API. Please check impl/model/interface/ for an example. The SFTInterface is registered at the end of this file and constructed by realhf.SFTConfig (see the rpcs method).

Running algorithms in ReaL involves executing a large dataflow graph that concatenates all the training iterations. The MasterWorker monitors the state of this graph and issues MFC requests to ModelWorkers once the dependencies are satisfied.

Example: A Customized Reward Function for PPO

In this example, we demonstrate how to use a customized reward model from HuggingFace in a PPO experiment when the model is not supported by ReaLModel.

The example code can be found in examples/, where we replace the trained reward model for sentiment generation with a BERT-like sentiment analysis model from HuggingFace.

First, we need to implement a new model interface class for our customized use:

class SentimentScoringInterface(model_api.ModelInterface):

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.score_model = (
        self.score_tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(

    def inference(
        self, model: model_api.Model, input_: SequenceSample
    ) -> SequenceSample:
        # Re-tokenize the texts.
        texts = model.tokenizer.batch_decode(input_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)
        encoding = self.score_tokenizer(
            texts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True

        # Perform inference to get the score.
        # For IMDB, 0 is negative and 1 is positive. We record the logits of the positive class.
        logits = self.score_model(
        # For IMDB, 0 is negative and 1 is positive. We record the logits of positive.
        scores = logits[..., -1].contiguous().float()

        res = SequenceSample.from_default(
            seqlens=[1 for _ in range(bs)],
        return res

Key points in this code:

  • During interface initialization, we load a HuggingFace model and its tokenizer.

  • During inference, we re-tokenize the generated output from the Actor, compute the score, and return it.

Now, we need to register this interface in the system API:

model_api.register_interface("sentiment_scoring", SentimentScoringInterface)

To use our customized interface implementation in PPO, we need to change the interface_impl field of the reward model in the MFC nodes of PPO:

class MyPPOConfig(PPOConfig):

    def initial_setup(self) -> ExperimentConfig:
        for mw in cfg.model_worker:
            for s in mw.shards:
                if == "reward":
                    # Remove the original reward model because we are using a customized one.
                    s.model = config_api.Model(
                    s.backend = config_api.ModelBackend("null")
        # Change the MFC of Reward.
        idx = 0
        for rpc in cfg.model_rpcs:
            if rpc.model_name.role == "reward":
            idx += 1
        inf_reward_rpc = cfg.model_rpcs[idx]
        inf_reward_rpc.interface_impl = config_api.ModelInterfaceAbstraction(
        inf_reward_rpc.post_hooks = []
        return cfg

Don’t forget to register your customized experiment configuration so that ReaL can launch it with the quickstart command line options:

register_quickstart_exp("my-ppo", MyPPOConfig)

Finally, let’s run the customized experiment with the quickstart command:

# Note that we change the name "ppo" to "my-ppo"
python3 -m realhf.apps.quickstart my-ppo \
    experiment_name=sentiment-ppo \
    trial_name=test \
    ppo.kl_ctl=0.1 \
    ppo.top_p=0.9 ppo.top_k=1000 \

This example is also applicable for scenarios where you want to use an external reward, such as a signal from a compiler or other online automatic evaluations.